Sunday, January 19

All Hartt Community Division activities and concerts after noon today are canceled due to forecast weather conditions.

Student move-in is expected to proceed as scheduled Monday and Tuesday. However, please note that students and families who experience travel delays or have concerns following today's snow may arrive outside of their scheduled time slot at any time between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday or Tuesday. Students who need to arrive outside of these hours of 8:30 to 5 during these two days may contact the Office of Residential Life at

Please check back here for updates.

Emergency Preparedness

Recent incidents of school and workplace violence have greatly increased campus interest in violence prevention resources. The University of Hartford and Public Safety assist with workplace training and offer a variety of informational resources to enhance your personal safety on campus.

Planning for an Emergency

The Emergency Guide (PDF) is a comprehensive guide to threat and hazard-specific emergencies.

Threat on Campus Video

Should you encounter an active-shooter situation on our campus, it's important to quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life.


  • Have an escape route plan in mind. Leave your belongings.
  • Keep your hands visible.


  • Hide in an area out of the suspect’s view. Block entry to your hiding place and lock all doors.


  • Only as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger.
  • Attempt to incapacitate the suspect.
  • Act with physical aggression and throw items at the suspect.
If you encounter a hostile intruder inside a building:
  • DO NOT pull a fire alarm.
  • Lock and barricade the doors to the room and turn off the lights.
  • Close or lower blinds, if possible.
  • Silence cell phones and other electronic devices and turn off radios and computer monitors.
  • Stay out of sight of windows and doors.
  • Stay in hiding until a police officer gives an “All Clear” notification.
If you encounter a hostile intruder outside a building:
  • Run away from the threat as fast as you can. Do not run in a straight line.
  • Keep objects or buildings between you and the threatening individual.
  • If you can, get away from the area of immediate danger and warn others not to enter.
  • If the hostile intruder is near you and causing great harm, hide if at all possible.


If it's not safe to speak, Dial 7777 and leave the line open so the dispatcher can listen to what is taking place. Remain calm and if it is safe to speak, be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Your location, name and contact information.
  • The number of gunmen/hostile intruders and their description, if possible.
  • The type of weapons involved (knife, handgun, long gun, etc )
  • The location of the gunmen/hostile intruders and their direction of movement The number of potential victims


Your attention to Law Enforcement officers is vital for survival, so it is important to remain calm and follow their instructions.

After putting down any handheld items such as bags, backpacks, jackets, etc., immediately raise your hands and spread your fingers. Keep your hands visible at all times and avoid making quick movements towards officers, grabbing onto them or pointing, screaming or yelling at them.

DO NOT stop and ask officers for directions or help when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which the officers are entering the scene.


Arriving officers will not stop to help injured persons, as their response is to stop the active shooter, so be cognizant of this. Rescue teams comprised of additional officers and other emergency medical personnel will treat and remove any injured persons. They may call upon able-bodied individuals to assist them in removing the wounded from the premises.

Once you have reached a safe location or an assembly point, you will likely be detained in that area by Law Enforcement until the situation is secure and all witnesses have been identified an questioned.

DO NOT leave until released by law enforcement authorities.


Bomb threats are assumed to be real and considered a threat to the university and its operations. If an explosion occurs at any time, immediately report the explosion by dialing 7777 on a campus landline or use a campus emergency blue lighted phone or dial 860.768.7777 on your cell phone.


Incident bomb threats are usually received by telephone, sometimes by note or letter. Most bomb threats are made by callers who want simply to create an atmosphere of anxiety and panic—but all calls must be taken seriously. If you receive a threat of any kind, immediately call the Department of Public Safety. If possible, get a coworker to do this while you continue talking with the caller. Permit the caller to say as much as possible without interruption. THEN ask a lot of questions:
  • Where is the bomb?
  • When is the bomb going to go off?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • What does the bomb look like?
  • What will cause the bomb to go off?

Record what you hear. Take notes on everything said and on your observations about background noise, voice characteristics, caller’s emotional state, etc.

Use the Bomb Threat checklist below. Write down the caller’s exact words. Also record the exact time that the call was received as well as the following information about the caller:

  • The perceived sex, age, accent, and education of the caller.
  • The location of the caller and any background noises that you hear.
  • A description of the caller’s attitude.
  • A description of the caller’s style of speech, speech impediments, or speech traits.

Trained emergency personnel will advise you if evacuation is necessary. Follow instructions given by emergency personnel.


If there has been a threat, and you see a package or foreign object, DO NOT touch it. From a landline phone, immediately dial 7777 on a campus landline or use a campus emergency blue lighted to report any unusual objects or items. Note: Building Evacuations will be based upon available information and the evaluation of the responding professional.



Time Call Received:

Time Call Terminated:

Number where call was received

Who received the call?

Exact Wording of the Threat


“When is the bomb going to go off?”

“Where is the bomb right now?”

“What does it look like?”

“What kind of bomb is it?”

“What will cause it to explode?”

“What is your name?”

“Did you place the bomb?”

“Why “What is your address?”

“Is there a special way to identify the bomb?”

Other: Describe the caller’s voice (check how he/she sounds) ____Calm ____Angry ____Excited ____Slow ____Ragged/Raspy ____Laughter ____Crying ____Normal ____Distinct ____Deep Breathing____ Stutter ____Lisp ____Fast ____Familiar ____Clearing Throat____ Nasal ____Deep ____Disguised ____Accent ____Cracked Voice ____Soft ____Slurred ____Loud ____Other:_________________________________________

Describe the caller’s language ____Well Spoken ____Incoherent ____Irrational ____Message Read by Threat Maker ____Taped Message ____Foul Language


 Describe the background sounds (check the sounds you hear) ____Street Noises ____Animal Noises ____Office Machinery ____Voices ____Music ____Motor ____House Noises ____Factory Machinery ____Clear ____Static: PA System or Local?


The University of Hartford's Safety Data Sheet can be found Chemical Management (SDS Safety Sheet) login.

To prevent fires on campus and in residence halls

  • Halogen lamps and candles are not allowed in apartments or residence hall rooms.
  • Avoid overloading electrical outlets.
  • Electrical heaters are not allowed unless approved by administration.
  • The University has a no smoking policy in all University buildings including residence halls and apartments.

Fire Safety

All buildings on campus are equipped with fire alarm systems including pull stations, smoke detectors, fire doors, and/or fire warning alarms. These systems report directly to the Public Safety dispatch center located in the Facilities Building above parking lot E.

To report a fire, call the Public Safety emergency number 7777.  When a fire alarm is activated, the affected building(s) will be evacuated. This evacuation is not optional.

Familiarize yourself with the evacuation plan established for your building and know the locations of:

  • fire exits
  • fire extinguishers
  • pull stations/boxes
  • smoke detectors

Getting out 

  • In the event of smoke or fire, contact Public Safety immediately.
  • Feel the door handle; if it is hot, do not open the door.  Go to the window and call for help
  • If the door handle is not hot, open the door cautiously.
  • Check for smoke or fire before leaving.

Using a fire extinguisher

To use a fire extinguisher without jeopardizing your own safety, follow these steps:

  • P = Pull the pin.  Some units require releasing a lock or stop latch by
           pressing a lever.
  • A = Aim the extinguisher nozzle at the source of the fire.
  • S = Squeeze or pull/press the handle.
  • S = Sweep the nozzle from side to side at the base of the fire until it is out. If it does not extinguish immediately, leave the area and call for help.

All fires, even if burned out prior to discovery, must be reported to Public Safety and all fire extinguishers that have been used must be reported to Public Safety in order that they may be refilled.

View the Data Snapshot: Halloween Fires and video on Halloween fire prevention.

For more information, visit or

"After the Fire"

an on-campus presentation by Alvaro Llanos and Shawn Simon, survivors from the fire at Seton Hall University.

Off-Campus Fire Safety

If you’re a student planning on living off campus this year or a parent that has a student looking to move off campus, please take 60 seconds to watch this video. It may save a life!

This video is in memory of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville students Lauren Peterson and Lacy Siddall who lost their lives in an off-campus housing fire on April 22, 2012. 

Be prepared and listen to all warnings issued for your area. Rising water can overtake a vehicle in seconds. Here are some tips about floodwaters could save you or your loved ones in the event of an emergency.

  • Do not walk or drive across flood waters.
  • Avoid contact with flood waters due to the unknown amount of raw sewage, waste chemicals and the risk of drowning.
  • If you come upon a flowing stream where water is above your ankles, stop, turn around and go another way. Six inches of swiftly moving water can sweep you off of your feet.
  • If you come upon a flooded road while driving, turn around and go another way. Most cars can be swept away by less than two feet of moving water.
  • Don't go floating, boating, swimming, or rowing in flood waters, streams, or rivers with high water.
  • Use special caution at night because flood danger is more difficult to recognize in darkness.
  • Stay away from power lines and electrical wires. Electrocution is also a major killer in floods. Electrical current can travel through water. Report downed power lines to Public Safety at 860.768.7777.
  • Stay alert for email and text alerts from campus officials about issues and conditions that may affect you and campus.


Learn more about infectious and vaccine-preventable diseases from the Connecticut State Department of Public Health.

Learn more about the University of Hartford's Naloxone Administration Policy (PDF) and response to opioid overdose incidents.

When it is necessary to shelter in place due to a weather-related emergency, you will be safest by moving inside to a building space that protects you from the danger.

Weather Definitions

Watch: Conditions are favorable for the development of severe weather. Closely monitor the situation in case it gets worse.

Warning: Severe weather has actually been observed. Listen closely to instructions provided by weather radios/emergency officials.

How Do I Shelter in Place?


  • Immediately seek shelter inside the closest sturdy building.
  • DO NOT lock doors behind you as others may also need to shelter in place.
  • Do not wait until you physically see a tornado or severe weather event to react.
  • Resist the temptation to go outside and check the weather conditions yourself.
  • Once inside, stay away from windows, glass, and unsecured objects that may fall.
  • Seek shelter in interior rooms and corridors.
  • Avoid large free-standing expanses such as auditoriums and gymnasiums.
  • DO NOT use elevators.
  • Await further instruction from e2campus Text Alerts and emergency personnel.
  • DO NOT leave until an “All Clear” is received.
  • During a tornado, seek shelter on the lowest level possible. If warranted, consider crouching near the floor and seeking additional shelter under a sturdy desk or table, or cover your head with your hands.

Remember, always use common sense. There are exceptions to all guidance and prescribed directions.